10 Ways to Treat Plugged Ducts Naturally with The Mama Mantra

10 Ways to Treat Plugged Ducts Naturally with The Mama Mantra

One of the biggest challenges that breastfeeding women face is overcoming the many common and uncomfortable lactation issues that can occur. In fact, breastfeeding pain and discomfort affect 1 in 3 women, especially in first time mothers.  A common problem lactating mothers face is plugged ducts, which happens when a blockage in the milk duct blocks the flow of milk, causing discomfort, pain, and inflammation.
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5 Reasons Why Moms Should Take Supplements

5 Reasons Why Moms Should Take Supplements

When I coached my clients I got these questions a lot: "Do I really need to take supplements?" or "I eat a healthy diet, why do I need to supplement?" I don't blame them because before I became a nutritionist, I was thinking the same thing! While eating nutrient-dense foods is always the best way to get your daily nutrients, this is most often not enough. 
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How I Induced Lactation

How I Induced Lactation

As most of you know by now, we welcomed Luca, our baby boy in April of 2020. Because I could no longer carry a baby, we turned to surrogacy to be able to have our long-awaited second child. Since we started the surrogacy process, I had yearned to be able to breastfeed my new baby, just like I did with his older brother Nico.
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How to Get Your Energy Back After Birth

How to Get Your Energy Back After Birth

Giving birth and caring for a newborn is such an arduous and exhausting task. There is even a term for the extreme exhaustion that mothers experience after birth: postpartum fatigue.
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5 Key Nutrients During Lactation

5 Key Nutrients During Lactation

We have all heard that “breast is best,” and while many new mothers think that breastfeeding should be natural, the truth is it can be very, very hard to breastfeed. New mothers are often unprepared and discouraged with the challenges that come with breastfeeding newborns. I know I was my first time around.
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What You Should Know About Thyroid Health

What You Should Know About Thyroid Health

Have you been experiencing fatigue, changes in weight, or hair loss? These may sound like common signs of motherhood, but it could be an indication that you have a thyroid issue.

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