5 Reasons Why Moms Should Take Supplements

5 Reasons Why Moms Should Take Supplements

When I coached my clients I got these questions a lot: "Do I really need to take supplements?" or "I eat a healthy diet, why do I need to supplement?" I don't blame them because before I became a nutritionist, I was thinking the same thing! While eating nutrient-dense foods is always the best way to get your daily nutrients, this is most often not enough. 
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Preventing Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Preventing Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very special time, a time of so many physical and emotional changes. Feeling your baby kick for the first time and watching it grow inside of you is no less than an amazing experience. And while some really enjoy being pregnant, other people, like me, can experience a slew of not-so-great symptoms and complications.
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How to Get Your Energy Back After Birth

How to Get Your Energy Back After Birth

Giving birth and caring for a newborn is such an arduous and exhausting task. There is even a term for the extreme exhaustion that mothers experience after birth: postpartum fatigue.
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5 Ways to Heal Your Body After a C-section

5 Ways to Heal Your Body After a C-section

Whether it is planned or an emergency procedure, a C-section delivery is a major abdominal surgery that requires time and deliberate postpartum care. More and more women (over 30% of births in 2017) are experiencing postpartum life while recovering from the challenges of a surgical procedure.

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